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Leaders’ Dialogue on the Africa Covid-Climate Emergency: Prioritizing Climate Adaptation
Leaders’ Dialogue on the Africa Covid-Climate Emergency
GCA Ministerial Dialogue on Adaptation Action - #AdaptationSummit
Patrick Verkooijen speaks at Youth Leadership Anchoring Event at Climate Adaptation Summit
Patrick Verkooijen speaks at High Level Opening of Climate Adaptation Summit 2021
World Leaders Summit - Dialogue II (5 Oct 2021)
Patrick Verkooijen, CEO of Global Center on Adaptation on Sky News on the UN Climate Ambition Summit
High-Level Leaders Dialogue: Green and Climate Resilience Bonds
GCA Africa Adaptation Acceleration Day (Opening video)
Anchoring Event: Africa - #AdaptationSummit
Bonn Dialogue: Global perspectives on just and equitable climate emergency response
Financing a Resilient Recovery – Applications to Cities and Beyond